Our History

We hope you enjoy your time here!

Our History

We hope you enjoy your time here!

The web site is proudly presented in French and English. Simply click on language of choice FR and EN on top of web page on computer or FR and EN
Pain Court: Welcome our web site!
Since it’s inception, the BonjourPaincourt website has hosted hundreds and hundreds of files, videos, photos and interactive media to celebrate the beautiful village. Thousands have visited and followed the daily updates to the Facebook page or viewed the many memories of the people and community over the last 168 years when the first church was built. But the community dates further back, Settlers had started to build homes along the Thames as early as the early 1800’s, and later on, on the farms known as the Pain Court Block.
And today, we are so proud of our village and area located in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, along the Thames River in South-Western Ontario. A rich agricultural area, Pain Court is extremely proud of its many accomplishments over the years. We are trying to bring this information to you on the site. Interesting stories, references to many books published, even videos on You Tube that were downloaded from movies that date back to 1926. And numerous photos from the families over the years and more recently the memories of our 150 th Anniversary celebration of 2004.
And this year, new additions. Exciting drone overviews of the village, the former businesses and sites, the industrial area, the schools and church. We are also working on an exciting project. The identification of the people in the thousands of photos.. We need your help.
New media and updates to come. Enjoy your visit!
A logo fit for the village!

You will remember the logo developed for the 150 th Anniversary. Now we present to you a new one. For the website and address but also for all uses in the years to come. A short loaf of bread accompanying the words Pain Court. Fully representative of what we are. A welcoming community.
New photos added to the galleries page!
A special thanks to some friends of the town and website for providing some historic photos rarely seen. Click below to be taken to the page.
Old hsitorical accounts, stories and documents have been recently added for your viewing pleasure. Take a dive in and see some old articles, newspaper clippins as well as historical accounts from various people throughout our history. Click the button below to see more.
A new look at the village!
Click the link to take a look at the village of Pain Court. This film was recorded in spring of 2023 and provides an updated look from the sky on our beautiful village.
Check out the Facebook page!
Our Facebook page is the window of our community and we are so proud that the administrator is a former resident and now of Quebec City.
We now have over 1,400 Friends of the page, it’s very impressive. We are always on the lookout for new info, old photos, upcoming events, Come back often….even if you are not a regular Facebook user, you are always welcome.